
Saturday, 23 June 2012

How to Create a Facebook Application for Your Site

Nowadays Facebook is a renowned social media platform with unique set of features evolving on the Web. Facebook has given the opportunity to use their native functionality to improve user experience on websites and blogs. As it has more simplified, convenient and personalized
social experience, more and more users started to integrate Facebook social platform in to their websites. Basically Facebook offers social plugins to use with their sites to embed social features on their sites. But if wish to integrate Facebook platform more deeper into your site, then you need to create a Facebook application for your site. Oops... but do you know how to create an application for your site?

You need to register your site with Facebook to grab an application for your site. However you can implement Facebook social plugins on your site easily without registering your site. But if you wish to integrate Facebook platform more deeper in to your site, you should register your site with Facebook to get application ID aka API key. For example, if you wish to simplify and enhance user registration and sign in by using Facebook login button, then you have to get a Facebook application for your site to use with Facebook JavaScript SDK to access rich set of client-side features for authentication and authorization purposes. In addition, to enhance the usage of XFBML implementations of social plugins, to moderate all comments made via Facebook comment plugin in your site, you need to register your site with Facebook or create a Facebook application for your site.


1. Navigate to Facebook Applications page.

2. Click on Create New App button.

3. Enter the name you wish to have for your application in App Display Name field and enter your preferred namespace for your application in App Namespace field.

Note: Namespace must be at least 7 characters and it will use for Open Graph and Canvas page if you gonna make use of them.

4. Now check I agree to the Facebook Platform Policies option.

5. Click Continue button.

6. Now you will prompt to enter captcha text. Enter captcha text in the box and click Submit.

7. Now you will navigate to application summary page and move on to Basic Info Heading.

8. Enter your domain or subdomain in App Domain field.

Note: If you are hosted your website or blog on a free domain, then add your subdomain here. For example, if your blog on Blogger platform, it should be specified as

9. If you prefer you can select category of your application via Category drop down box.

10. Now scroll down and find the heading Select how your app integrates with Facebook.

11. There click on the Website section.

12. Now enter your site URL in the Site URL field.

13. Now click on Save Changes button.

More Information:

You can find your Facebook Application ID aka API key on the top of Facebook Application page correspond to your application. Further you can explore other settings for your application from the left pane.


  1. I really agree that nowadays Facebook is a renowned social media platform with unique set of features evolving on the Web and your post can be a big help for me. My pleasure to read you work. I will refer this also to my friend. Thanks.

  2. @Shasing19 Thank you so much for your feed back, hope you will enjoy this blog.


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