
Monday, 30 July 2012

On Page SEO Tactics To Get Better SERPs

Here We are sharing some On Page SEO tips. On Page SEO is very important now a days. Google is going to penalize those who were doing black hat SEO. So stay away from Black Hat SEO and follow white SEO. On Page SEO Help you to tell Google that we have more good content then other by using H1, H2, H3 and some other tag. The first thing you need to do for On Page SEO is that  to write a great rich quality content for your website to get better response from google and from visitors.

On Page SEO Tactics To Get Better SERPs

1. Keywords in Title Tag

The putting of keyword in title is the first thing you have to do for On Page SEO. It will help Google to indicate  that this article is written for “XYZ” keyword. When You put the keyword in title, that article get more value for that keyword. If you are not putting keyword in title then you will never come on first page of Google for that special keyword but if your website have greater Page Rank and Domain Authority then it is very easy for you to get better SERPs on search engine like Google without putting any keyword in title but after some time your website website got again back because you have no keyword in title.

2. Use Keywords in Header Tags

Using keyword in header is your power point. It will make more chance for you to get better SERPs. When i write my post  on any article I try to add keyword in header tag in post as you can see in this post. Keep in mind that not use more that 2 h1 tags in one post.

3. Use Keywords in Image Alt tag

If your post have an image then always use alt tag for image it will help you to get traffic from Google image Search and i will make more chance for you to get your post better optimize for “XYZ” keyword.

4. Make Internal Linking

Internal linking is the best part of On Page SEO  because this part give our old post new life and help us to decrease our bounce rate. When w make internal linking to other post we Google that are article or post more useful.

5. Use Meta Description & Keywords

Using Meta description & Keyword will help you to target that keyword  and it is so useful to get better SERPs. IF you are using WordPress then you need to install WordPress SEO by Yoast because it is the on of the best free SEO plugin and it works like Premium Plugin.


  1. Hi this is very nice information for all seo newbies. A big help for my philippine seo. Thanks! :)

  2. I agree with you Waqas Ahmad but one needs to also check the keyword proximity & density to avoid stuffing and write content according to user not according to search engines.
    Click Here

  3. Jade broad brother thank you very much your valued feed back


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