
Saturday, 24 November 2012 Pakistani Google Home Page hack by Turkish Hackers

Early Saturday morning, attempts to access search engine Google led to a page which appeared and behaved in a manner quite unlike the familiar logo and search bar one is used to. Google had been hacked and defaced.

The defaced webpage appeared only on the Pakistan sub-site for the search engine, Those who access Google from within Pakistan are usually redirected to this portal. Though soon, the redirect stopped working and one was taken to the international page for search queries.
Hackers swapped the Google logo and a search bar with an image of two penguins walking on a bridge. A message in Turkish read (translated through Google translate):
“Eboz of a friend always there for me My homies have not shot by me with every breath”
It further added the line “Downed Pakistan” to confirm the webpage had been taken down.
At the bottom of the page, the hackers added a big question mark followed by the tag line that when translated read:
“Hello friends who are still alive, not dead!”

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