
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Top 10 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

When it comes to blogging, everything is measured in visits or traffic. The more visits your blog gets, the better it is considered. Blogging is all about increasing visitors count, because this eventually leads to an increase in earnings. There are people with blogs with really poor quality content, but contrary to this they are getting a lot of traffic, perhaps because they are good at SEO. Everyone one who is doing blogging wants to increase his/her blog’s traffic but increasing traffic is not a piece of cake that anyone can eat; so what to do? Well, better don’t worry because here we have compiled the list of Top 10 Tips to Increase Blog’s Traffic. The list of tips goes like this –

#1. Frequency Matters

The posting frequency matters a lot but I am sure you didn’t consider an important factor, did you? I suggest you to post content on your blog at least 5 times in one week or even more because the more content your blog will have the more chances of getting good traffic from Google.

#2. Google PageRank and increased traffic

Some bloggers don’t even know what Google PageRank is and for those let me wind it up quickly. Google PageRank is a count from N/A-10 that is assigned to every blog based upon the backlinks. The more the PR, the better your blog is considered. Increasing PR is simple, increase backlinks count.

#3. Increase Subscribers and high traffic

I strongly suggest you to increase the subscribers’ count of your blog because subscribers are the most loyal readers of your blog that will constantly visit your blog even when it gets affected by Panda or Penguin.

#4. Content and hot topics are the King

Make sure your blog’s content quality is high because poor content quality will eventually lead to a nose-diving readers count and it becomes quite difficult to get that trust of the readers back. Make sure your blog doesn’t have any inappropriate kind of content.

Hot news attract more visitors to your blog. As an example, these days Olympics is a popular topic. You can take as an opportunity to drag visitors by writing an article on Olympics 2012 or about the Olympics London 2012 Partners programs or etc. I think you got my point.

#5. Stick to a Niche

Sticking to a niche is the most important thing. Sticking to a niche means keep posting only about what your blog deals with. For example, if you have a blog about Dancing then you should not suddenly start posting about the Mobiles.

#6. Stay Trendy

This is a tricky thing that almost all the bloggers forget. It’s good to stay trendy in virtual as well as physical world. I suggest you to write about the trending articles on your blog. For example, if you have an SEO blog then you can write posts on Google Penguin Update etc.

#7. Respond to Comments

Many bloggers don’t respond to their readers and that’s not so good because this leaves an “arrogant” sort of impression on the reader’s mind. So respond to your readers’ comments. I am not asking you to respond to every comment but you can at least respond to the readers who are asking questions.
#8. Guest Blogging brings more traffic

It’s the time that you should stop snubbing Guest Blogging because it’s an important factor in increasing the readers’ count because guest blogging not only increases your Backlinks count but also increases a direct traffic to your blog.

#9. SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the best thing you can do to increase your blog’s traffic. SEO is basically all about how to make your blog’s content search engine friendly so that it gets indexed on Google or any other search engine on top. If it gets indexed on the top then you will surely get a lot of traffic and that too for no cost.

#10. Use Social Media

Social Media sites were originally created to connect people but today they have emerged as the promotion space on the web. Everyone is promoting something, for example – bloggers are promoting their own blogs etc and that’s what I suggest you. Make sure you make use of social media sites to promote your blog’s content, but don’t even dare to spam because it makes a bad impression on the readers’ mindset. It is important to have a great insight on digital influence and brand for being a perfect person in social media.


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  2. @Robert Green thanks alot of your great response, hope you are enjoying this blog.

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