
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

10 Best Way to Improve your Blog Page Rank

One of the most important things that are needed all the time, in a blogging career is the Page Rank. The Traffic of any Blog or Website decides the success level of every blogger. Article or content in your blog is extraordinary is not a matter, but if you don’t have a traffic to read it and to promote it, you have simply wasted your time in preparing it! However it’s a pity that In some countries especially India, most of the Bloggers serve their time in searching from where to get the contents, manipulating it, its outlook, etc. and only 20% on bringing traffic and increasing viewership. But that is wrong we have to give more important to increase traffic to you blog. For increasing traffic to your blog Page rank is the most important one.

Here I am sharing some important tips to increase your page rank for next page rank update.

1-Guest posting

It’s always a good idea to start guest posting. You can build HQ backlinks and also increase your reliability with a smart guest post movement, it’s important to get high backlink and also to your internal pages and now homepage alone.

2-Interview Pro Bloggers

Take Interviews of the top bloggers that are known for their work and include that in your niche, there are fair chances that these bloggers will retweet it and might even end up linking to it on their blog. This will encourage the traffic from their blog to visit yours too.

 3-Blog commenting

 This will be new to most of my readers too; it’s true that commenting helps in many ways. Always show a sportsman spirit and visit, read and learn from your competitors in the market. Comment only when you have some value to add, but if you like the post and want to appreciate it, instead of just saying “nice post”, like or share that post.

4-Post Quality Articles

The most common tip, whose importance can be realized by anyone easily, to keep your living room attractive, you need attractive furniture too, isn’t it? Similarly, A Quality blog needs quality content too. You should write well researched and detailed information so that your viewers can trust you and your blog, and can use it as a source of reference later.

 5-Submit Feed to Feed directories

Submit your blogs to these feed directories. They help in distributing your blog posts to different that leads to an increase in the traffic. But submit your post only good feed directories otherwise it will affect your page rank.

6-Submit blog post to Social bookmarking sites

Social media is perhaps one of the best ways to driving traffic to your blog, since a lot of people use social media these days. The major Social Media sites that help a lot are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Now a days Stumble upon and Pinterest will give more traffic to the bloggers. As we already discussed, if you have a video backing your post, then a lot of traffic will come through the video’s host site, like YouTube.

My suggestion to new bloggers that social media is the best way to get more traffic to your blog. Because you are totally new to blogging and may be you don’t have that much of blogging skills then that kind of new bloggers must use social media for getting more traffic. Use stumble upon and pinterest for getting traffic from social media.

7-Proper SEO structure

People find SEO scaring one but it’s easier than you think. It’s like some good practice that everyone should follow. You should spend 2 hours a day for learning SEO and by the end of month; you can take care of most of basic SEO issues. Don’t stop learning things.

8-Register your domain for longer period

While registering your domain for a long period that will make more trust. Then the page rank automatically increases. You must register your domain for at least 2-3 years.

9-Don’t sell Links

This is one of the major and important tips. Don’t ever sells your link to others because that will affect the value of your website .If you have more traffic but you sell your links that will affect your page rank. Google gives value to how many links coming to your blog not for selling.

10-Article marketing or Directory Submission

Submit your posts and articles to website directories and Article directories. In my suggestionezinearticles is the best one to submit your post.

So I hope these tips will help you to get a good page rank. I’m expecting that next page rank update will around November 2012. So don't waste your time follow the tips and get a good page rank.

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