
Wednesday, 23 January 2013

5 Smart Steps To Wake Up And Drive Quality Web Traffic

If you really want to grow your website, it’s high time you wake up and work for it. There is really no super power to success. Or is there?
Hard work, creativity and staying consistent are vital keys to open the locked doors of your traffic vault.
I don’t know where you’re right now in your online business, but rest assured, 2013 is a year to experience an upward growth.

A wake up call!

There is no excuse for failure. If you consider the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett and other wealthy entrepreneurs, you’d observe similar trend and culture.
They don’t blame others for their failure. Rather, they gird up their loins and make use of opportunities that surrounds them.
This post is a wake-up call to you. You can build an active community with your blog, skyrocket your income and achieve super stardom online.
The five steps below can send more traffic to your website than it can handle. Just make sure you’ve increased your bandwidth space. Let’s dive in:

1. Optimize your landing pages

Landing pages have a specific goal – to build your email list. It’d be unwise to send traffic to your homepage, without first capturing email leads.
The cost of driving traffic to a website is high – if you consider the time spent producing content, and the monetary investment, giving your visitors a place to say permanently is can be great.
In order to optimize your landing page and get it ranked higher in Google, you’ll need to target long tail keywords.
What particular key term do you want the landing page to rank for? That will form the core of your content. When you offer value in your content, prospects would be motivated to subscribe to your list.

2. Plan your content

When you plan your content before writing it, you’d likely attract a great deal of visitors to your website. Get to know those who would eventually read the post even before you write it.
What motivates them to share articles? Why are they your ideal audience in the first place?
Do you know their demographic (age, sex, population) distributions? Conducting an in-depth research to determine the above can situate your content well.
I’ve read on countless blogs that human’s attention span is low. But there are exceptions to that. I’m already addicted to long posts (800 – 3000 words), which has produced significant results for my business and my clients’. My readers love it.
When you write content for your website: use subheads, simple words and clear sentences to convey your message. You’d touch more lives and grow an active community.

3. Syndicate your content

I’m talking about RSS syndication. If your website runs on wordpress CMS, then it’s very easy to generate a feed for your blog. Simply copy the feed and syndicate to web 2.0 sites like,, and others.
Each time you publish a new post, it’d automatically generate natural and quality external links to your webpage.
And Google is still very fond of off-page links no matter what penguin update did to websites in 2012.
Just make sure that the links are from active websites. Ideally, leave valuable comments on commentluv blogs. This way, your latest post can be seen by several responsive persons – and that’s referral traffic.

4. Leverage social media tools

Do you really know when your twitter followers are most active? Each time you tweet a new campaign, you’re supposed to get retweets, comments and hits to your website. But if this isn’t happening, you’ve to observe the metrics.
Social media tools can help you boost your conversion rate, automate your tweets, schedule appointments and increase your followership.
I personally use,, bufferapp and several other tools to run my twitter marketing activities.
Business automation has never been so easy. But the question is, “are you making use of these tools or are you a manual guy?”

5. Get featured on top blogs

To further increase your traffic, you’ll need to get featured on top blogs. It can really be easy if you’re an expert – an interview is all you need.
But as a beginner or intermediate, writing well-researched and valuable guest article can bring you massive amounts of traffic.
So far, I’ve written and published more than 607 quality guest articles. The truth is, I can decide to quit promoting my blog for the next 2 years and without any fear or doubt, my traffic would continue to grow. I love guest blogging!
If you work hard to make an impact that your target audience can never forget, you’d live to reap the dividend.

Web traffic recap

The steps I’ve just shared with you in this post could be the missing bolt that your website needs to make BIG money.
Always bear in mind that increasing the number of subscribers on your email list and building a relationship that sticks is the key. Leave a comment below and tell me how you drive free & quality traffic to your website daily.

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