
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Earn Money from In-Text Advertising on Your Website with Infolinks

Are you looking for monatization opportunities for your blog or website? Most of bloggers and webmasters looking for monetization opportunities to earn extra income via published content. As their site's user engagement

How to Set Custom Page Not Found Message in Blogger

Do you regularly write or publish posts on your blog? As you maintain your posts to be in high quality and to improve productivity, sometimes you may have to edit, update your posts or delete certain depreciated posts from your

How to Report Spam Accounts on Twitter

Do you tweet regularly? or a fan of Twitter? Twitter is a great way to communicate with your friends and followers instantly eventhough it limits your messages to 140 characters. However as a Twitter user, no one needs
invitation to follow or see your tweets as long as your tweets not protected. Therefore some people may try to abuse on Twitter in available room. Mostly some people will send you harmful links or try to get attention of yours by using @reply or @mention functions. It means either they will reply your tweets with harmful links which directs to malware websites or send you unwanted messages with the mention of your account name to get attention. It will be buggy as you regularly use Twitter and you may want to get rid of them. We can identify this behavior as spamming on Twitter. Would you like to get rid of spammers on Twitter?

As a service and a social network, Twitter needs to think about their users safety and privacy. Therefore due to this involvement of spammers, Twitter let you report spam account directly from the respective spam profile. The Twitter Rules has defined specific rules for users to identify spammy behaviors. So if you suspect an user spamming or you have no idea why they are doing this, you can report it to Twitter instantly. Once after reporting a spam profile, you will no longer get replies or mentions from the reported account and will block interaction with your account automatically. Further it will queue up for Twitter's Trust andSafety team to review and take necessary actions for that account. After the review of team, if it proved as a spam account, the respective account will be suspended.

1. Sign in to your Twitter account and locate suspected spam account.

Note: If you come across a spammy tweet, click on respective account name shown on the tweet.

2. Now click on person icon displayed on spam profile.

3. Select Report @username for spam from drop down menu.

Note: Here @username reflects spam account or profile username.

4. Now the suspected spam account will be blocked automatically and report to further review.

Enjoy :-)

How to Edit Your Blogger Template

Sometimes you may wonder how do some bloggers take control of their template and customize their templates or position widgets as they need. But there is no wonder at all. All you need is giving up resistance to change and

How to Transfer Ownership of Your Google+ Page

If you are responsible in managing brands, you may already engage in Google+ to manage your brand via Google+ pages. There you will find many advantages such as being search engine friendly by having a

Monday, 25 June 2012

Add Share Buttons for Your Blogger Posts with AddThis

In blogging, people used to come visit your blog if they really worth what they are reading and some people might land on your blog after finding out your interesting blog posts via recommendations, web search or from wherever your

Add Floating Vertical Share Bar for Blogger Posts with AddThis

People always love to share interesting content with their friends and followers. Isn't it? I think you totally agree with it. As you and I are struggles with information madness, we may always find different kind of interesting

How to Reset Your Widget Templates to Default in Blogger

If you are looking forward to personalize your template, you may always looking for customizations in your Blogger blog. Everyone wants to do customization to their blogs, simply or extensively. It can be organization of

How to Unpublish Your Facebook Fan Page

Are you managing a Facebook fan page? Yeah your Facebook fans gather around your Facebook page and see what's new happening over there. Sometimes you may wanna make few changes to your page, such as editing basic information, changing page name or adding applications to your page. In
such scenario, you may need Facebook users out from your Facebook page or just wanna make sure it's inaccessible until you done with a process on it. Hmm.... If you need you can post a message that your page is going through a maintenance in such period of time. But still they can access your page. Wouldn't it better if you can make your Facebook page inaccessible from public?

Why You Need to Make Your Fan Page Inaccessible?

Changing basic information and settings doesn't take much time. But in some scenarios if you are adding applications to your fan page, you may have to spend lot of time with the application to customize it before enable accessing for public. Eventhough you are busy with customization, meantime users land on your page may try to access them even you are not done with them. Also sometimes you may wanna edit content or remove application from your page without further commenting or accessing. Or if you have got a fresh page that should post from scratch, you may wanna synchronize posts to your wall before showing it to public. Further you may have got similar situations.

Let's Unpublish...

Are you aware of seeing your fan page before commit all changes? Then you might have to notify your users to not to access your page in such time period. isn't it? Nope. You can do it easily without passing any messages around. Facebook allows you to unpublish your page from users until you done with changes to your page. By unpublishing, your page will be invisible for external users and users who liked your page too. At that state, only administrators will be able to see their fan page with the indication of your page visibility. So if you are hoping to do any major change on your fan page, you will find this option really awesome and it will prevent you from seeing ongoing changes by other users.


1. Sign in to your Facebook account.

2. Navigate to your Facebook page.

3. Find Admin Panel on top of page.

4. Click on Edit Page on drop down menu.

5. Now select Manage Permissions.

6. Navigate to Page Visibility setting and tick on Unpublish page option.

7. Now click Save Changes button.

Note: Once your page switched to unpublish state, you will see following notification on top of your cover.

More Information:

* To publish your page again, click on publish this page link on the notification bar or follow same steps above and untick Unpublish page option.

How to Post Tweets on a Facebook Fan Page

Do you manage a Facebook fan page and communicate with your fans? But seems you addicted to Twitter. Hmmm... I hope you may love to tweet all day around. isn't it? Twitter is an effective media to grab more attention and to
engage with your friends and followers, and yet it's simple and easy. When it comes to your brand, business, organization or even to your blog, you might wanna keep your followers up-to-date with the latest news happening around. You may always prefer to update them with relevant tweets. But what about your Facebook fan page? You go and post it all again in Facebook page? Alright... Don't think about it. Let me ask you - Would you prefer if you can synchronize your tweets with your Facebook fan page?

Twitter allows you to connect your Facebook fan page and synchronize your Twitter updates. So if you are a tweetholic, now it's your turn to increase your brand effectiveness and to save your time on Facebook. After connecting your Facebook fan page, it will directly post your tweets to the fan page wall except for direct messages, retweets and @replies. Eventhough you have multiple Facebook pages, you can link only one fan page to your Twitter account. Practically, I don't think you wanna send tweets to multiple Facebook pages simultaneously. Even if you wanted, sending out all your Twitter updates to all Facebook pages may seems pretty annoying for your fans. I mean, fans may find irrelevant tweets get posted on some pages. However it's not available. If your requirement is to post tweets on Facebook page, come on this way.

1. Sign in to your Twitter account.

2. Click on the user icon shown at the top pane and select Settings from drop down menu.

3. Now select profile tab.

4. Click on the Post your Tweets to Facebook button at the bottom.

5. Now Twitter will initialize the verification of the connection between Twitter and Facebook. Then you will be display another button, Sign in to Facebook and connect your accounts. Click on it.

6. You will prompt to sign in to Facebook profile if you have not already logged into your Facebook profile. After signing in, it will request for permissions to connect with your Facebook profile. Now click Allow button on the prompt.

7. Now tick my Facebook page option to enable posting to your Facebook fan page and remove tick from my Facebook profile option if you don't wanna publish tweets on your Facebook profile too.

8. Select your fan page which you wanna post tweets and Allow Twitter to access your page.

9. Save settings.

Enjoy :-)

Import and Display Content from a External Feed in Blogger

As a blogger, do you have any favorite websites or blogs in the same niche you are working on? You might have interested in different kind of sources which used to read and sometimes you may recommend some sort of useful

How to Display Author Information in Google Search Results

Google has recently start customizing their search results and integrating social layer with Google+ to their search results to enhance search productivity and social connectivity. As a result of that, Google introduced an

How to Embed a Tweet on Your Website

How do you use Twitter to promote your content or interesting tweets? You can share your interesting stories online via Twitter. Further you can display all your tweets on your own website using Twitter widgets too. But there may

How to Create Pages in Blogger

Are you seeking for adding standalone pages for your blog? Yeah, that could be the exact reason you are reading this post. You might be wonder how other bloggers able to show off Contact page with their respective contact

Sunday, 24 June 2012

How to Display Your Standalone Pages in Blogger

You may have already created some of useful pages to your blog. I mean not the posts, but static pages such as About Me which are more peculiar to your blog. After creating pages, your next consideration would be letting readers to
access them. Obviously you can add custom links by editing template to direct users to those pages. But wouldn't it be nice if you can show them as tabs or as a list easily without even touching your template?

Yeah... Blogger did that hardest part for you and allows you not only to create standalone pages, but also to display them on your blog. Further you don't wanna direct users using custom links to your pages and readers will find it more useful to discover and navigate to pages on your blog. So it's actually act as a navigation for your blog. Blogger make use of Pages widget to list all of you pages either as a list or tabs, and display them on your blog with few simple steps. Does it care only about displaying your standalone pages and getting them all on your blog? Nope, it will let you customize the style and you can include your taste to prioritize and arrange them when display them on your blog too. So you can get rid of pages you don't wanna display and leave other useful pages to make use of. Let's learn how to display your pages and get them on your blog.


1. Navigate to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Jump to Pages tab.

Note: On this page you will see list of your static pages if you got any. Else it will just show Home which links to your homepage.

4. Now click on drop down button next to Show pages as option and select an option to display your pages in that particular way.

Top Tabs - Your pages will display under your blog header as a horizontal navigation bar.

Side Links - Your pages will display as a list of links on your sidebar.

Don't Show - You can make use of this option if you don't wanna show any of your pages or if you wanna link them manually.

5. Click Save arrangement button on the top.

6. Yeah... you made it. But if you selected to show pages, it will list all your published pages on your blog. If you wanna manage them and get rid of some pages, jump to Layout tab.

7. Now find an element named as Pages.

8. Click Edit link correspond to that element.

9. Now select pages to display and arrange your pages in the configuration pop up window.

10. Click Save button.

11. Now save your blog layout.

Enjoy :-)

Saturday, 23 June 2012

How to Create a Google+ Page

Do you wanna promote your brand, product, business or need to create a public identity? Facebook offers you pages feature to represent your business, product, brand, organization or whatsoever publicly and allows you to keep in touch with your fans. Lately you might have

How to Enable Google+ Direct Connect for Your Google+ Pages

Google now started to offer you more features for your Google+ pages to increase the engagement of your fans and visitors. You may have already set up a Google+ page for your business, product, brand or organization with a public identity. But does your fans know your

How to Download Your Information on Facebook

Each day, how many times you communicate with friends, share content, upload photos or add information on your Facebook profile? Obviously you may never forget to check your profile frequently. Facebook is a great platform with unique features to meet your friends, families and
followers. However you may have shared a lot of content on your profile up to now. You may have shared photos and videos with your families. Or chat with friends, send messages, write on walls and vice versa. May be your Facebook profile holds information or data which you couldn't find elsewhere, even in your mobile or computer. So what if you wanna download all your information and data on your Facebook profile?

Facebook provide you a service which let you have a copy of information you have shared on Facebook. This archive includes your profile information, your list of friends, notes, events, events, messages and your wall/timeline including comments, photos, posts and other content posted by your friends. However Facebook doesn't allow you to select and download them individually. Once you request for information, Facebook will generate copy of your information and allows you to download your archive. As it has your sensitive information, Facebook will need to confirm your identity when you downloading your archive. Therefore eventhough you left your browser logged into Facebook account, no one will be able to download your information.

1. Sign in to your Facebook account.

2. Navigate to Account Settings page.

3. Now find the line Download a copy of your Facebook data at bottom and click on Download a copy link.

4. Click Start My Archive button.

5. Now again click Start My Archive button on the dialog box.

6. Click Okay button once after it displays You will receive an email when your archive is ready for download message.

Note: You will receive an email to your associated email account once Facebook initiated the process of generating information. Unless you receive an email, you better try above steps again to see if it started already.

7. Now you have to wait until Facebook generates your personal archive.

Note: It may take quite time to generate your archive.

8. Once your archive ready to download, you will asked to re-enter your Facebook password. Enter your password and click Continue.

Note: If you are accessing your Facebook account from a public computer, you will prompt to solve friend photo captcha or an SMS captcha.
9. Now click Download Archive button and it will download your content in a Zip (.zip) file.

10. Extract your downloaded Zip file with Facebook information, and double click index.html to view your information.

Enjoy :-)

How to Integrate Your Google+ Profile with Blogger

Nowadays Google+ is another brand new social media platform evolve on the Web. Recently Google+ introduced Google+ Brand Pages exclusively for users who wanna promote their businesses, brands and organizations. As a Blogger user, it was really cool feature to embrace

How to Create a Facebook Application for Your Site

Nowadays Facebook is a renowned social media platform with unique set of features evolving on the Web. Facebook has given the opportunity to use their native functionality to improve user experience on websites and blogs. As it has more simplified, convenient and personalized
social experience, more and more users started to integrate Facebook social platform in to their websites. Basically Facebook offers social plugins to use with their sites to embed social features on their sites. But if wish to integrate Facebook platform more deeper into your site, then you need to create a Facebook application for your site. Oops... but do you know how to create an application for your site?

You need to register your site with Facebook to grab an application for your site. However you can implement Facebook social plugins on your site easily without registering your site. But if you wish to integrate Facebook platform more deeper in to your site, you should register your site with Facebook to get application ID aka API key. For example, if you wish to simplify and enhance user registration and sign in by using Facebook login button, then you have to get a Facebook application for your site to use with Facebook JavaScript SDK to access rich set of client-side features for authentication and authorization purposes. In addition, to enhance the usage of XFBML implementations of social plugins, to moderate all comments made via Facebook comment plugin in your site, you need to register your site with Facebook or create a Facebook application for your site.


1. Navigate to Facebook Applications page.

2. Click on Create New App button.

3. Enter the name you wish to have for your application in App Display Name field and enter your preferred namespace for your application in App Namespace field.

Note: Namespace must be at least 7 characters and it will use for Open Graph and Canvas page if you gonna make use of them.

4. Now check I agree to the Facebook Platform Policies option.

5. Click Continue button.

6. Now you will prompt to enter captcha text. Enter captcha text in the box and click Submit.

7. Now you will navigate to application summary page and move on to Basic Info Heading.

8. Enter your domain or subdomain in App Domain field.

Note: If you are hosted your website or blog on a free domain, then add your subdomain here. For example, if your blog on Blogger platform, it should be specified as

9. If you prefer you can select category of your application via Category drop down box.

10. Now scroll down and find the heading Select how your app integrates with Facebook.

11. There click on the Website section.

12. Now enter your site URL in the Site URL field.

13. Now click on Save Changes button.

More Information:

You can find your Facebook Application ID aka API key on the top of Facebook Application page correspond to your application. Further you can explore other settings for your application from the left pane.

How to Post and Comment as Your Page in Google+

Recently you have learnt How to Create a Google+ Page for your business, brand, product, organization or whatever entity you wish to represent. I hope it would help your brand, business or organization to engage with interested Google+ users and customers to convey your

Promote Your Blog and Interact with Bloggers at

You may publish interesting and quality content, follow ethical tips when writing or creating content, make use of social media and bookmarking sites to distribute your content and maintain your blog carefully. But sometimes you may feel lonely. You tend to think blogging is

How to Implement Facebook JavaScript SDK on Your Website

Have you ever heard of Facebook JavaScript SDK? May be or may be not. But if you ever try out Facebook social plugins on your website or blog, then you may have come across with this name. Facebook plugins need to communicate with Facebook servers whenever they

How to Change Your Blogger Background Image and Color

Designing your blog is a crucial factor and it will helps you to impress your readers at first sight. There are many options you can follow such as using a custom templates, customizing elements, use of effects on images and more if you consider attractive designing for your

Lock your Private Files and Folders

Folder Lock is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files, folders, drives, USB drives and even CD/DVD-RW

Tip to Increase Hard Disk speed in Windows

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Burn a Data CD or Data DVD in Windows 7 Using Media Player

You can burn a data CD or data DVD in Windows 7 using Media Player. An audio CD can contain just approximately eight minutes of music. On the other hand, if you burn a data CD or data DVD in Windows 7 using Media Player, it will be able to hold numerous hours of

Speed Up Your Computer by Cleaning RAM

If your computer become slow, when you are working with many programs. It may be due to RAM because at that time RAM is full of remaining progress pieces which you are working with and you do not need them any more. So, if you can erase or delete those unnecessary pieces

Repair your Windows Operating System Online with Reimage

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Backup your computer installed drivers

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Connect Your Home Computer From Remote Location

Using the Remote Desktop feature, you can connect your home computer (host) from any other remote computer (client) and can access all computer resources (installed programs, data and any network resources). You can run any computer application on the remote computer as you

Friday, 22 June 2012

Make Use of Keyword Research Tools for Your Website

Using keywords meta tag on your pages could help you with driving more traffic to your website through search results. But it may not be the best option since Google has started to ignore meta keywords tag on sites. But it still has impact with some other search engines. It's not me

Add an Apple Icon for Your Website

Do you consider about optimizing your blog or website for mobile users? Optimization of your website or blog for mobile devices now becoming more and more important due to heavy usage of mobile devices. It's not a hidden factor that now more and more users use

How to Customize Your Blogger Navbar

As a Blogger user, Navbar aka Navigation Bar is not a new feature you find on top of your blog. It has some interesting options such as it enables you to search blog, get back to your Blogger dashboard in a single click, let you share your content on social websites, shows your logged
inemail address and let you sign out and also you can navigate through recently updated Blogger blogs. As it has no much customization available, I would like to go through below criterais,

How to Change Color of Your Navbar
How to Hide Your Navbar

How to Change Color of Your Navbar

It is nor a find hard tip or code genius work. You may already know this or else if you are a newbie or you couldn't find a way to, you can learn how to change color of your Navbar.


i. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Navigate to Layout tab.

iv. Click on the Edit link correspond to the element Navbar on top right.

v. There you can find more colors for your Navbar and select one of them you'd like and click Save.

vi. Now click on Save arrangement button.

vii. Preview and see your Navbar with new color you have selected.

How to Hide Your Navbar

Navbar is a Blogger default feature for Blogger users and rather than limiting the customization of Navbar, Blogger made it easy to hide it from your blog if you are not like to show it on your blog.


i. Navigate to your Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Navigate to Template tab.

Note: Before editing your template, you may want to save a copy of it. Read How to Back Up Your Template.

iv. Click on Edit HTML button.

v. Click Proceed to continue.

vi. Now find the line of code ]]></b:skin> in your template.

vii. Now copy and paste below CSS style code just before the line ]]></b:skin>.

div.navbar {
display: none !important;
height: 0px;

viii. Now Preview your blog and Save template.

Enjoy :-)

Publish Your Posts on Facebook using RSS Graffiti

As if you like to take advantage of the social media to gain more traffic and reach more interested users for your content, you might have already created a Facebook fan page for those needs to be satisfied via Facebook. Else you can post them on your own wall to find
them useful to your friends. Yeah, Facebook has largenumber of users worldwide and it became more and more popular everyday. That's why you are trying to take advantage of Facebook. You can post a link of your post on your profile or fan page to notify Facebook users when you have fresh content on your site. But wouldn't it be better to automate that process to post automatically on Facebook whenever you have fresh content?

RSS Graffiti is a type of a useful application to fetch your feed to your Facebook profile or fan page. As you may know, feeds are automatically updated when it can find fresh content on your site. So RSS Graffiti will publish whenever your feeds get updated. So rather than sparing extra time to post your content on your Facebook profile or page wall manually, you can make use of RSS Graffiti to publish your latest content automatically and notify your Facebook friends and fans who are waiting for your latest content in no time. Now let me help you to configure RSS Graffiti for your blog and to publish your future updates on your Facebookprofile or page easily without any extra effort.


1. Go to RSS Graffiti Facebook Application Page.

2. Now click Go to App button.

3. Click Allow button to give permissions to access your Facebook pages to publish on behalf of you.

4. Now click Add New Publishing Plan link.

5. Name your publishing plan and click Create Publishing Plan button..

6. Now on left side, click Add New button.

7. Enter your blog or site feed URL on in the given textbox on Add a New Source box.
Note: If you are a Blogger user and don't know your feed address, read Know Your Feed URLs in Blogger.

8. Click Add Source button next to Sources label.

9. Now you will direct to settings page related to your added feed. Set scheduling frequency, number of posts you need to feed per update and order of updates.

Note: You can switch to Advanced view and access advanced settings related to your feed.

10. Once you done with settings, click Save button.

11. Now click Add New button next to Target label.

12. First, select your target using Choose Target drop down box. It can be either your Facebook profile, page or group.

13. Then select how it should post on behalf of in Publish on Behalf of drop down box.

14. Now you need to select how your posts should be posted on Facebook. Select preferred post style - Standard, Compact or Status Updates.

Note: You can see a preview below, when you select each option.

15. Click Save Changes button.

16. Now make sure you made posting active by switching button to ON phase.

How to Backup and Restore Your Template in Blogger

We do many experiments in Blogger. Mostly we are seeking for widgets and add them, try applying custom templates and do more stuff with the template on our blog. After going through all smart and hard work to customize and craft your template, you would never wanna lose your
customization. But when you deal with your template or make changes to your template, what if something goes wrong?

Nothing goes wrong until something goes wrong. So you can't predict about what is gonna happen next. When you edit your template or add external widgets to your blog, there could be something goes wrong with HTML or sort of code inserted into your template. Therefore it's recommended to take preventive action before something happen to your template. We know how much you care about your blog. So as a preventive measure, Blogger provides you features to backup your template. Let's see how to make use of back up and restore features.

Back Up Your Template

Your widgets, headers and all related to template will be backed up here.

i. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Navigate to Template tab.

iv. Click on Backup/Restore button on top right.

v. Click Download full template button and you will have a backup copy of your template in XML format (.xml). Keep it in a safe place.

vi. Close the pop up.

Restore Your Template

i. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Jump to Template tab.

iv. Click on Backup/Restore button on top right.

iv. On the pop up you will find Choose File button and click on it. Browse for your backup XML template file (.xml) and click Open button after selecting it.

v. Now click Upload button.

vi. Close the pop up, after the restoration of your template.

Publish Your Posts on Twitter using

Twitter is an online social networking service which already known as micro-blogging service that enable users to share posts. It is a place where people can easily engaged and find concise updates of yours. So if you mind distributing your content over social media, then you

How to Embed a YouTube Video or Playlist on Your Site

You may write posts with bunch of details and publish images on your blog or website to engage visitors and maximize impact of your content. However as you create content on your blog or website, you may wanna make use of relevant videos match with your content to

How to Add an HTML Sitemap Page on Your Website

Most of time, visitors may visit your blog or website via search engine results. But sometimes they come and leave your blog through the same landing page just after reading your article. More or less, the reason could be that they don't wanna seek more interesting posts by going

How to Display a Comment Link with Post Title in Blogger

It is not a worst case scenario, that hiding post footer from your homepage when you feel it's bothersome and taking a lot of space from homepage. So you will show only snippet of post and leave a link to actual post page using jump breaks. But with the hidden post footer, you will

How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines

Being listed your site on search results would be more helpful to interested visitors to find your content more easily and to drive more traffic. Search engines are designed to search for information on the World Wide Web and other servers. So periodically most search engines will crawl and update their index of website links algorithmically to find and offer them in search results whenever an user perform a search. But sometimes search engines may still unable to find your content or crawl your site.

Though your website not listed on search results, you don't need to wait until they find and crawl your site. You can submit your site to search engines manually.

Submission of URL

You can submit the URL of your site to search engines to let them notify to crawl your site. You don't need to submit each and every page URLs here, just top-level page will be enough. Submission of URL not guarantee that it will crawl your all website page URLs.
Submit your website URL to,


Submission of XML Sitemap

A Sitemap is a page where visitors prefer visiting if they are unable to find particular page on your site or if they need to browse your posts. An XML Sitemap is a XML file with list of URLs. So submitting XML sitemap to a search engine helps it to find and crawl all your pages associated with your site. So it is far more effective rather than submitting each URL of your site.

First you need to create an XML sitemap and grab URL or link for sitemap file before you submit it to search engines.

Create and obtain the URL of XML Sitemap of your Website
i. Generate an HTML sitemap for your site using a sitemap generator such as XML-Sitemaps by entering your website URL.

Note: Beware of free sitemap generators' limitations.

ii. Now right click on generated XML sitemap file link and copy link address of the XML sitemap file (sitemap.xml). The link address would be similar as below if we assume your site is,

Else you can download XML sitemap file (sitemap.xml) and upload it to domain root directory. Then you can grab URL of your XML sitemap file uploaded. It will be similar as below if your website is,
Now you are ready to submit your XML sitemap to search engines with the URL of your XML sitemap. Copy the submission URL relevant to search engine from below with added XML sitemap URL of yours and enter to submit after pasting it on your Internet browser address bar.

Submit your XML sitemap to,

Google[URL of Your XML Sitemap]

Bing[URL of Your XML Sitemap]

Ask[URL of Your XML Sitemap]

How to Offer Email Subscriptions in Blogger

You may offer several subscription options for your readers to stay in touch with your site via feeds, social media or bookmarking services to get notified about latest content on your blog. But as an alternative way, subscribers may want to receive your content right into their

Can You Make Use of the Keywords Meta Tag in Blogger?

What are keywords? Keywords are specific words which are searched in a search engine. You can make use of keywords meta tag for your pages to be listed in search engine results when users perform a search. Meta keywords tag let webmasters to add additional text along with the body text to be indexed by search engines. The best practice is adding relevant keywords meta tags for each page of your site which useful to find your page on web. But would it be worthy adding keywords meta tag in blogger for search engine optimization?

Mostly now search engines including Google, doesn't rely on keywords meta tag specified by users for web search ranking unless few other crawlers carries a little weight on them. The reason is webmasters can misuse keywords with or without the proper knowledge of handling keywords on their pages and mislead search engines which are rely upon them. Also using keywords meta tag enable competitors to find out or identify which keywords you have been using to optimize a particular page and they can grab list of keywords on your page to optimize their similar pages too.

Misspelling is another factor which you can use keywords for. Sometimes users misspell in searches. So you can use those possible misspelling words as keywords and it would be helpful with search engines which has attention on keywords to lead misspell searches to find your site.

When selecting keywords for your specific page, it should be relevant to the content on the page and need not to be case sensitive when you specify them. Sometimes there may be some keywords which not mention in the post but relevant in searching for that topic. For example, assume you are gonna use keywords meta tag on the page which has the title "Integrate Facebook to Your Blog". There you mention Facebook like button, comment box and other Facebook plugins by a common name like 'Facebook social plugins' and describe how to get them, but no word about Facebook like button though it is related. So if someone search for "how to get facebook like button" on the Web, search crawlers may not display your post on top of results because they don't care meaning of words and find words which entered into the search engine. So search engine don't know that Facebook social plugins means they include or refers to Facebook like button too. In such a scenario, you can specify keyword 'like button' in the meta tag and then search crawlers will find your post and index to show up on search results by identifying that your post has some information about Facebook like button.

Also you can use long tail keywords in the keywords meta tag. Long tail keywords mean keywords which has multiple words. As for example, think you specify 3 keywords 'Facebook', 'Like', 'Button' or else you can use 'facebook like button' which known as a long tail keyword. Usually long tail keywords have less competition than generic keywords. So proper long tail keywords would generate more traffic for you.

In Blogger, you can't modify each and every page directly in your blog. Just specifying meta tags barely will affect to all pages in your blog and only few keywords might be related with some posts or not at all. So the search engines which has attention on keywords meta tag will list your pages according to those keywords and sometimes readers who drives to your page via organic search results would be disappointed after finding no information related to their finding as they intended to. The one you can do is adding keywords meta tag to your template by referring to each and every post in your blog using their URL. If you have enough time to deal with all your posts, it will be the best thing you can do in Blogger.

If you think specifying keywords meta tag is useless or time consuming due to some factors, then you can ignore that and make use of time rather than spending keywords meta tag. But rather than ignoring keywords meta tag entirely, you can specify it for your homepage where readers can land and find posts related to your keywords from your homepage if you are displaying HTML sitemap link, blog archive or popular posts on homepage. Anyway homepage may not the place where you make most traffic on your blog.

Let's see how to add meta keywords tag for your each of your pages.

Note: If your blog has been restricted from the Public, this might not be work for you.


1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Now click on your Blog Title.

3. Navigate to Template tab.

4. Click on Edit HTML button.

5. Click Proceed button to view Template Editor.

6. Now add keywords meta tag below with suitable moderations in to your <head> section along with other meta tags.

Note: Make sure that you are using below code snippet only once per URL to avoid spamming. If you need to set keywords for multiple pages, you have to use below code snippet several times for each and every page/URL you intend to.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "[Your Page URL]"'>
<meta content='[Keywords]' name='keywords'/>

Hide Post Footer from Homepage in Blogger

How much do you care about your blog design? It matters, yeah. Your blog design matters as it represent your personality and no... no... don't ever think about copying someone else's design. Yeah, it's alright if it's available for you or you build similar with your own efforts. Else you just

Add Twitter Tweet Button for Blogger Posts

Sharing your content over Social media is better way to publicize you blog. Twitter is popular social network and micro blogging site where most users publish their updates. Once users interested in your content, they can copy and paste your post URL to share your post with their

Add Facebook Comment Social Plugin to Blogger

Blogger offers you default Blogger comment form for your blog to get feedback from your readers. Readers can comment on your content and ask question through your comment form. In addition to default comment form, you can add third party comment forms to your blog

How to Remove Post Date Header in Blogger

On the Blogger platform, you may have seen a line with date above the title. But not above each title, which is publication date and the posts published on particular date will be listed under the date heading. But you may prefer to show publication date underneath your post title or

Add Google +1 Button for Blogger Posts

Google, the search giant, has introduced new social platform Google+ and it has a peculiar feature known as +1 button. Now it's more popular among most websites/blogs as it affects organic Google search results. Google +1 button is a way to recommend content for your friends and followers. Once you recommend a content appears on the web with +1 button, your friends will be able to see it with your recommendation across the web. As it enables your site to get recommended on search, most of webmasters was eager to implement +1 button on their respective websites and blogs. As a blogger, I don't think you gonna say 'NO' for it. So would you like to implement it for your content?

You have learnt how to set up Google +1 button for your website. But it's only represent your entire website or blog, not your content. So if you wish to implement Google +1 button for your posts, then you need to implement them for each post individually. But unfortunately, editing each post is far more time consuming in Blogger. But on the other hand, here you can implement it for all your posts easily without wasting your valuable time. Let's learn how to implement Google +1 button for each of your post without even affecting your page load time. But the only disadvantage with Google +1 button is, in case if you wanna migrate to a custom domain, your +1s or recommendations won't be migrate to new domain. So you have to keep that in mind when you implement Google +1 button on your blog. However recommendations are work as a motivator for your readers and if you provide quality content for your readers, you don't need to worry about the +1s at all.


1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Now navigate to Template tab.

4. Click on Edit HTML button.

5. Click Proceed button to continue.

6. Tick on, Expand Widget Templates option.

7. Now right before the </body> tag, place below asynchronous Google +1 button script which loads +1 button without affecting page load time.

How to Create a Blogger Feed using Google FeedBurner

Feed is another way to deliver your content beyond the site visitors. By default Blogger publishes feed for your blog automatically. It's feed your latest content published on your blog to the feed. But does it worthy? Do you have any idea how do you make use of it? External news

How to Change Number of Posts Shown on Your Blogger Feed

As a Blogger user, you might have already using a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, which optimize your raw feed for readers to subscribe easily and to gain more traffic to your content. If you haven't redirected your feed to FeedBurner, As and when you publish a new post on your blog, Blogger automatically updates your feed and syndicate to your Feed Management Service. But by default Blogger is feeding only recent 25 blog posts. What if you wanna change the number of posts being showed on your feed?

Yeah, it is. There's a limit of posts being displayed on your feed. You can notice that by default Blogger feed shows only recent 25 posts on your blog. But what if you wanna show more or less posts? Actually you can't show 100s of posts on your redirected feed because most services don't accept feeds larger than 512 Kilobytes. Because of that reason, sometimes Feed management Services doesn't accept your feed if its size larger than 512 Kilobytes. Then you have to reduce number of posts shown on your feed. But sometimes you may wanna shift 25 posts limit to show more posts. Then, you can make use of alterations to your original feed address when you syndicate blog feed to external feed management service. Let's get to know more about it.

Usually if you process your feed with a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, most probably you may have provided one of below feed addresses to syndicate 25 recent content.

[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?alt=rss&redirect=false

As you seeking a way to display more posts or less posts in your feed, you just need to modify your original feed address specified at your Feed Management Service by appending redirect & max-results parameters to the end of the feed URL with the value of maximum number of posts to be displayed.


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false&max-results=40


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?redirect=false&max-results=40


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&redirect=false&max-results=40


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?alt=rss&redirect=false&max-results=40

Color Indication Information

- Your Blog URL

- The Maximum Number of Posts to Display

Here this refers to maximum number of posts to be appeared on your feed. Specify maximum number of posts you need to be shown on your redirected feed. But keep in mind, some services may not accept feeds larger than 512 Kilobytes and you may have to lower the value at such a scenario.

How to Use HTML5 over Flash using Google Swiffy

Have you been using flash animations on your website/blog? It might be advertisements, site headers, widgets or whatever. But why people would more prefer on flash animations over text, images and other media types? Basically it adds more color and interactivity to your site while fulfilling intended purpose. The constraint is it needs flash plugin on internet browsers to render those flash based content. But how would you render them on a device which has no flash capabilities?

Google has introduced a new tool for webmasters and flash authors to display flash content using more browser-friendly HTML5 format. So further your content can be rendered on devices which has no flash capabilities such as iPhones, iPads etc. and modern internet browsers are not essential to have flash player plugin to render those animations. So this will add more traffic to your site through other devices too. The size of HTML5 output will be not more than 10% increase in most cases compared to a flash file.

You can see HTML5 in action with Google Swiffy at Google Swiffy Gallery. Swiffy currently supports SWF 8 and ActionScript 2.0 with many common SWF features.


1. Sign in to your Google account.

2. Navigate to Google Swiffy.

3. Browse your flash animation file (.swf) and click Upload and convert button to convert it into HTML5.

4. It will generate the HTML file with the link. Just right click and Save link as... by using HTML only or Page source save option to save the HTML.

5. Include the HTML file on your website/blog using an <iframe> tag.

i.e: <iframe src="" width="100" height="100"></iframe>

Enjoy :-)

How to Make a Sitemap For Blogger

Sitemap is a way to learn a search engines about pages scattered in your blog. A sitemap will list down all URLs in your blog and it will make it easy for search engines to find your pages. Else search engines need to come and crawl your pages to grasp updates on your pages. So you may have heard of the word "Sitemap" if you are using tools such as Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools to notify about your blog updates to search engines. They will ask for sitemap address from you whenever you wanna submit URLs. Eventhough you have heard of it, you may have no idea how to obtain or generate sitemap address for your blog. Wanna find out your sitemap address?

Blogger maintain a unique address as blog's sitemap address. You don't need to generate a new address for it. All you just need to do is finding relevant sitemap address for your blog and provide it whenever you need to submit your sitemap. Generally, your sitemap includes recently updated posts only. So if you update an old post and submit default sitemap, your post update won't notify for search engines. So you may have to alter sitemap address to populate all of your blog page addresses. Let's discuss how to find default sitemap address and alter it to grab all of your post URLs. You might think this is a advanced scenario to find yoursitemap. But its neither advanced nor hard to find.


1. Type your blog URL in the address bar of your web browser.

2. At the end of your URL, append /robots.txt and hit Enter.


3. It will open up a simple page with text. As you see at the end, you can find your default sitemap address for your blog.

Also you can make use of below instead of what you found,

[Your Blog URL]/atom.xml?redirect=false

[Your Blog URL]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false&max-results=[Number of Posts]

[Your Blog URL]/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=[Number of Posts]

Color Indication Information

- Your Blog URL

Add your blog URL here with preceding http://

- Number of Page/Post URLs to Submit

Here this refers to maximum number of pages that will be submitted to the Sitemap. Mostly this could be equivalent to the number of posts on your blog. Use a number which exceeds the count of number of posts published on your blog.
i.e: If you have 21 posts published on your blog, use a number larger than 21. It may be 22, 30, 100, 500, 1000 or even 100000. It will include all available page URLs with your specified limit.

5. Now you can submit your sitemap to relevant services.

Enjoy :-)

Add Facebook Like Button for Blogger Posts

While you blogging with your own blog, you may interest in enabling your viewers to share your blog content through social media to their profiles or friends. It enables your blogger friends to share information easily and help to increase your blogger traffic through sharing content over social media. Such a way is Facebook Like button. It interpret you, how many Facebook users interest in particular post in your blog and sharing it over their Facebook profile. Now Facebook Like button added a Send button along with it. So while your friends sharing your blog contents over their profile, they may able to send your posts to their Facebook friends too.

It doesn't matter you are Facebook member or not. You can implement Facebook Like button to let other Facebook members to vote on your blog posts. There are two implementations of Like button, XFBML and Iframe. But here we gonna use XFBML version and its also

available in HTML5 markup which is more versatile and supports Send button. But the only disadvantage with Facebook like button is, if you migrate to another domain after implementing like button, the likes will be vanished and you can't restore them back. If you wish to migrate to another domain, just don't depend on your Facebook likes. It's just a motivator and believe in the content you provide on your blog. So you won't need to worry about likes. The most important thing is content quality and you can gain likes back for them anytime.

Before You Go:

* Unless if you have implemented Facebook JavaScript SDK in your blog, you have to add it before you proceed with steps.

* If you are a Facebook member, you can see insights for your posts being liked and shared on Facebook and you are allowed to customize image and snippet posted on user's wall whenever they like your posts through Facebook Like social plugin. If you would like to grab those features, implement Facebook Open Graph Protocol on your blog.


1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Navigate to Template tab.

4. Click on Edit HTML button.

5. Click Proceed button to view Template Editor.

6. Tick on, Expand Widget Templates.

7. Search (Ctrl + F) for <data:post.body/> in template and add one of following code according to your preferred implementation code and layout style just after that. You can use XFBML or HTML5 markups.

How to Add Google Talk Chatback Badge on Your Website

Sometimes your readers may find something difficult or phrase which are not self-explanatory to them in your content. In such a scenario, they may have to comment or contact you to problem get solved. But what if you can assist them in real-time whenever they got a problem or doubt? Are you seeking for a gadget which visitors can communicate with you while they are surfing your site? Sometimes you may find it difficult. However you can implement 3rd party chat widget for your site. But mostly your visitors have to sign up on particular service before start a chat with you. So it may not convenient for your visitors. But what if you can implement a chat widget for your visitors to contact you in real-time without any sign-up processes?

Now Google offers a Google Talk Chatback badge, which let your visitors the ability to chat with you whenever you are sign in to Google Talk. The only prerequisite is you need to stay sign in to your Google Talk account always. The badge will show your online status to your visitors and they can communicate with you real-time. Visitors are not required any download or sign up for Google Talk service. Adding Google Talk Chatback badge will make visitors more satisfactory on the aspect of communication and you can strengthen relationships among you and visitors.

Before You Go:

You need to have a Google account to use Google Talk Chatback badge. If you have no Google account already, create a new Google account and proceed with below steps.


1. Sign in to your Google account.

2. Visit Google Talk Chatback Badge creation page.

3. You can find code for Standard Badge there or click on Edit link to customize your badge and after the customization, click Update badge button to retrieve your new code.

4. Now copy your badge code and add it to your site where you need it to render.

Add a Customized Search Engine for Your Website

Do you provide search functionality on your blog or website? Search is a vital function you should have in every blog or website where content matters. It helps visitors to search content for specific topic or criteria without going through all pages. It saves time of visitors
and they will be thankful for that feature. In some platforms, search is an in-build feature. But you may find it's not customizable. Or you may have no search for your site at all. In such a scenario, still you have to find another way to implement a search bar into your blog or website. Seems you have to learn coding. isn't it? But what if you can customize and add a search bar easily without being a code genic?

Yeah, you can. Now you need to worry about codings and all. You just need to customize your search engine and add it to your blog or website. Google has introduced Google Custom Search Engine for web sites to take advantage of customized search experience. This custom search engine can configure to search specific site or more sites as you prefer. It enable users to customize the look and feel of the search engine and its related functionality such as appearance of search results. In addition, you can track down search queries and view more statistics related to your search bar, add autocompletions, connect with Google Analytics and make money too. It's far too easy and you just need to configure relevant options. Wanna try it out now?

Before You Go:

You need to have a Google account to use Google Custom Search. If you have no Google account already, create a new Google account and proceed with below steps.


1. Sign in to your Google account.

2. Go to Google Custom Search Website.

3. Click on Create a Custom Search Engine Button and you will be driven through a wizard.

4. Fill out the form with relevant information and press Next button after agreeing with Terms of Service.

5. On the next page, you will be able to select a search bar style. Further you can customize appearance by clicking Customize button below the selected style and live preview will be available below.

6. After the customization click on Next button.

7. Now you can grab the code for your customized search box and add to your website.

Further Customization for Search Engine

i. Go to Google Custom Search page.

ii. Click on the link, manage your existing search engines.

iii. Now click on control panel link correspond to your search engine.

iv. Click on Look and feel link from left pane.

Note: You can customize other options on the left navigation pane too. Refer to them later.

v. Choose layout, customize style and click Save & Get Code button.

Note: When you select layout, do not select Results only option as it is only valid for sites which has a search engine already.

vi. Grab your search engine element code and add it to your website.

Two Column Layout

Grab the search results code of your custom search engine in the second text box and add it to your website where you wanna display search result whenever an user search on your website.

Two Pages Layout

i. Here, before you grab the search results code, you need to create a new page on your website.

ii. Now open your new page in a new browser window or tab, and copy the URL of your page from the browser address bar.

iii. Come back to Custom Search page and paste your new page URL in the Specify the url in your site where you want the search results to appear field.

iv. Now grab the search results code snippet in the second text box and add it in your new page you have created.

Enjoy :-)

Remove the White Space Gap Below Comment Form in Blogger

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Remove Blogger Post Image Shadow and Border

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Make uTorrent Downloads Active for Multiple User Accounts

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Know Your Feed URLs in Blogger

Have you ever tried to syndicate or distribute your content to another site, social media or somewhere else? Did you ping your site? Are you going to redirect your site feed to Feed Management Service like FeedBurner? Did you implement email subscriptions for your readers? Whenever you implement those features, gadgets

Thursday, 21 June 2012

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Making Your Google Analytics Data More Accurate

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Affiliate Marketing Compensation Methods

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Be Careful With the Speed of Your Website!

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5 Tips For Successful Blogging

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5 Best Places To Keep Your Adsense Ads

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Google Adsense Requirements And Tips For Quick and Fast Approval

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5 Tips To Achieve A Perfectly Designed Website

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How to Set Up a Weight Loss Blog in 9 Easy Steps

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20 Essential SEO Tips and Techniques

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SEO and SMM Techniques to Improve Greater Visibility

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How To Improve Alexa Ranking

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5 Best Alternatives To Adsense

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How To Write And Earn Money Online

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How To Earn Money Using Discount Coupons

We have a bleak economy in the world at the moment. Yet, even if that was not so, extra money is always welcome in any household. Of the several ways that one can adopt to get in some extra cash, discount coupons is one way that should not be neglected at all. In fact, earning money with discount coupons can be really easy, once you get the hang

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Earn Money By Recycling your Old Mobile and Save Earth

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Make Money Fast by Selling and Recycling old Mobile Phones

If you have a mobile phone the chances are one day you will want to replace it. You will want to upgrade it to a new more advanced make and model. As is the case that happens millions of times every day all over the world as we replace our mobile phones every 12 to 18 months or buy

How To Achieve A Successful Online Business

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5 Top Website Design Mistakes You Need To Know

Before I get into the topic I want you to know what visitors/surfers hate about some of the websites that they have come across. Sites that load too slow Websites without a purpose Flash controls Crazy banners that are everywhere Technically difficult sites that are hard to navigate through Now you have heard

25 Awesome Free Google Tools for Marketers

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How to Successfully Outsource Social Media for Your Business

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Do You Make Any of These 10 Simple SEO Mistakes?

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6 Simple Steps for More Blog Coverage

As a professional blogger, I cover a lot of websites, products, and services online. And time and again I have to overlook some offerings because of simple things that stand in my way of providing proper coverage. These are things that any website owner or business can do, often with very little effort. But if your website doesn’t follow these guidelines, it might be enough to make a blogger skip over you and cover your competition instead.

SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

You hear the term all the time, but how do you actually rank higher in the search engines? I know when I first heard the term, it sounded like some voodoo magic that only a few people understood how to use.The reality is, SEO isn’t rocket science. Some gurus would have you believe it takes years of dedicated study to understand it, but I don’t think that’s true. Sure, mastering the subtle nuances takes

8 Attributes of Content That Inspire Action | SEOmoz

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How to Make a Contact Page in Blogger

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Here's an easy way to make a contact form in Blogger -- using Google Docs. I learned how from Blogger Xpertise, but I tweaked its instructions to make it even easier to create a

How to Remove the Blogger Navigation Bar

On the one hand, it is a convenient way to access the Blogger dashboard and design templates and it allows people to follow the blog easily. On the other hand, it's a design element that announces, "Blogger blog," to the world, and hiding the bar presents a cleaner look. So here's what you do if you want to hide your Blogger navigation bar

How to Make a Contact Form in Blogger

Contact forms enable visitors to our sites to send us emails without having to expose our email address to potential spammers. 

I've been using Kontactr to embed a contact form in this site for years now, and still believe it is the most ideal solution for those using the Blogger platform. However, it seems my previous tutorial is now out of date!

5 Reasons Why Live Chat is The Untapped Potential for Your Business

The trouble with online shopping is that many customers are disconnected from someone who can answer their questions in real time with precision. Rather than watching potential customers click away from their e-commerce sites, many businesses have been adding live chat support. As it turns out, live chat has the ability to provide the convenient answers that customers want, while also adding significant benefits to the staff and bottom line of companies.

10 Best Essential Blogger Gadgets/Widgets For Your Blog

Any blog that uses blogger has to have a few essential gadgets that are must haves. They could make you money, increase revenue and keep bringing people back to your blog. Any new blogger will find it extremely difficult deciding what gadgets/widgets they should place on their website. Even I still can't really decide because there are so many gadgets to choose from! Therefore, these are the main

5 Blogging Mistakes That Make You Look like an Amateur and Cost You Sales

Could it really be possible that your blog is costing you sales? Well, imagine this: a potential client searches Google for products or services like yours, picks a likely-looking site from the search results, and lands on a site that displays… a bunch of articles.

5 Tips to Increase Your Amazon Affiliate Earnings

Trying to fight your way to success with Amazon Affiliate links, and beginning to wonder if anyone really makes any money with it? You’re not alone, but the fact is, Amazon is THE leading online retailer in the US, and a very good resource for 

Tips to increase your Amazon Affiliate Earnings

Trying to fight your way to success with Amazon Affiliate links, and beginning to wonder if anyone really makes any money with it? You’re not alone, but the fact is, Amazon is THE leading online retailer in the US, and a very good resource for an affiliate merchant. The key is knowing how to be an affiliate seller. There’s a lot more to it than just planting a few links and hoping they get clicked. That type of “working” a blog, or any affiliate type

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The 3 Best Ways To Generate Blog Traffic That Converts

Blog traffic. Everybody wants it, few ever generate enough of it to make their blog successful. What if I told you that, in reality, you don’t need heaps and heaps of traffic in order to have a successful blog?
That’s right. You just need the right traffic.

3 Ways to Create a Traffic Tracking Dashboard for Bloggers

When you run a website, it all becomes a matter of balancing content with analytics, keeping track of what topic and posts best bring in visitors. It it probably the least pleasant part of owning a blog, especially given the time consuming nature of gathering, studying and utilizing such data. No matter how helpful it is, I have never heard a blogger say they were looking forward to the process.

Ten Steps to a More User Friendly Website

Building a website that is both functional and user friendly is no easy task. Bigger companies sometimes hire both graphic designers and developers to build their website but most little guys cannot afford that.
So let s take a look at the things you should pay attention to when building and maintaining your website, especially if you cannot afford to have a team of graphic designers, developers and layout consultants working on your website.

Two Best Ways to Promote Your Blog Online

When it comes to pay per lick advertising, there are number of pay per click programs can be chosen from. Yahoo Search Marketing and Google Adwords are the most popular programs. With both programs coming highly rated and recommended, it may be difficult to

5 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Blog

word press blog is an open source blog tool allows users to create online blogs. Word press is known worldwide. Around 14% of the biggest websites uses word press blog. Being popular word press blog is vulnerable to hacks and other security issues. There are few ways to secure word press blog from such security issues, here is my entry to protect your WordPress blog.

How to Drive Traffic Using YouTube

YouTube is a cultural phenomenon; a website that is viewed every single day by tens of millions of different people, all with a direct interest in the video that they have searched for. This means that the opportunity to capitalize on this targeted traffic through YouTube marketing is a very real one that you and your business should be looking into very seriously indeed!

Effective Tips for Starting Your Own Online Business

Starting an online business is a great way to start up a side project that could turn into a full-time income without a lot of startup costs. With the cost of starting a brick-and-mortar business prohibitive for many entrepreneurs, online businesses are emerging as an ever more viable option. The key, though, is to understand how online businesses work and to choose a niche that provides good income opportunities.

10 Ways to Make Money without Giving Up Your Day Job

There are plenty of ways of making money if you’re savvy and listen to what those around you need. Certainly we know money can be made online via blogging and social media, but these require a great deal of time and skills. Building multiple income streams is the right step towards a solid financial future and while it may not make you a million, it will put you at the heart of your local community.

Make Money Online With Open Door Loans

You probably have your finances under control most of the time, but there may be some months where you encounter a cash shortage in between pay days. Cash shortages can cause stress and anxiety, and sometimes the problems compounds as you’re hit with interest, late fees, reconnection fees for utilities and other unpleasant repercussions. As overwhelming as these problems can seem, sometimes

How To Easily Make Money From Infobarrel

Am sure you have heard about Infobarrel, right? Infobarrel is a site similar to Hubpages that offers the highest revenue sharing program online. The best part about Infobarrel compared to Hubpages is they pay you 75% of your pages Google Adsense earnings.
So, that is one way that you can make money online from Infobarrel, however, there is another way that I want to talk about that many people are unaware of.

24+ Best Ways to Increase Your Blog Popularity

back to Earningiary.Today we are back with a list of best ways to increase your blog popularity.If you are blogging for last few months and still your blog is not a popular one then these are the steps you should follow to make your blog popular.