
Monday, 30 July 2012

On Page SEO Tactics To Get Better SERPs

Here We are sharing some On Page SEO tips. On Page SEO is very important now a days. Google is going to penalize those who were doing black hat SEO. So stay away from Black Hat SEO and follow white SEO. On Page SEO Help you to tell Google that we have more good content then other by using H1, H2, H3 and some other tag. The first thing you need to do for On Page SEO is that  to write a great rich quality content for your website to get better response from google and from visitors.

On Page SEO Tactics To Get Better SERPs

1. Keywords in Title Tag

The putting of keyword in title is the first thing you have to do for On Page SEO. It will help Google to indicate  that this article is written for “XYZ” keyword. When You put the keyword in title, that article get more value for that keyword. If you are not putting keyword in title then you will never come on first page of Google for that special keyword but if your website have greater Page Rank and Domain Authority then it is very easy for you to get better SERPs on search engine like Google without putting any keyword in title but after some time your website website got again back because you have no keyword in title.

2. Use Keywords in Header Tags

Using keyword in header is your power point. It will make more chance for you to get better SERPs. When i write my post  on any article I try to add keyword in header tag in post as you can see in this post. Keep in mind that not use more that 2 h1 tags in one post.

3. Use Keywords in Image Alt tag

If your post have an image then always use alt tag for image it will help you to get traffic from Google image Search and i will make more chance for you to get your post better optimize for “XYZ” keyword.

4. Make Internal Linking

Internal linking is the best part of On Page SEO  because this part give our old post new life and help us to decrease our bounce rate. When w make internal linking to other post we Google that are article or post more useful.

5. Use Meta Description & Keywords

Using Meta description & Keyword will help you to target that keyword  and it is so useful to get better SERPs. IF you are using WordPress then you need to install WordPress SEO by Yoast because it is the on of the best free SEO plugin and it works like Premium Plugin.

Some Tips For Social Media Presence For Businesses

The social media websites have become the place for gathering of many people and that’s why the businesses can use these social sites to make sure that they reach all these people to improve business fast. The social sites offer you great benefits for maintaining a web presence and can promote your business effectively. With a profile in the social networking sites, you can be in touch with your clients all the time. In the end, a business with good public relation surely gets a great number of loyal customers. Having a social media presence has many great advantages that will help you with your business. But there are some tips which help you to make the most out of the social media for your businesses.
Here I am listing some tips for social media presence for businesses :

Public relation :

The public relation is the key to success for every business. Having a social media profile will help you to get in touch with millions of people and you can surely find customers from them. You will be able to be in touch with the customers all the times. You can help them with little problems, answer their questions, chat with them, have a personal relationship with as many of them as possible and chat with them occasionally. With all these, they will start to trust you and it will help your business. Make sure to maintain equal relationship with all your targeted customers.

Promoting your business :

Every time you have a new product or service to provide, you need to promote it and there is no better way to do that other than using social media sites. These websites are used by many people regularly and you must make sure to utilize the facility. You can write about the new offerings to make your clients understand how the new things will help them. Put up some good words for the products and share links of your site. This way they will be connected to your business and will be updated with your products and services.

Creating an identity :

Your identity, as the business owner, is something that your clients will surely be interested in. If they like you then they will surely like your business too. You can use the social media sites to make your identity interesting and trustworthy to them. Share your stories and appear as a helpful friend. If you can make them believe that they can trust you then you will surely win a lot of new customers. Share your pictures, videos and different media contents about you to create an impression on them. However, make sure of not over doing it.

Advertisement :

There are many social networking websites where you can buy space for advertisement. The Facebook is surely the best place for that as Facebook is the most used social networking site. The advertising facilities of face book allow you to target specific users. That way it will make sure that you have greater control over it and get worthy customers from the advertisement. The other social networking websites work equally for any business. Make a good social media advertising planning for it to make sure that you have the right platform which is important to get fast and effective results.

Directory Submissions – Still a Good SEO Strategy?

Directory Submission is the easiest way to get backlinks for your new born website/blog. is Directory submission still a good SEO Strategy for promoting your website. many thing change after Google penguin update.
Quality of backlinks
Search engines such as Google rank webpages on the basis of the number of QUALITY backlinks not on backlinks. For this reason, it is very important to build quality backlinks to your website on a regular basis. Theoretically, web directories can be a good source of backlinks. Because they have content that is relevant to your website, these backlinks can have some search engine benefits. However, in actual practice, most web directories have thousands of links pointing outwards. They also do not have good link popularity and many of them have low-quality spammy links. It should also be noted that submitting your links to a large number of low-quality directories all at once can adversely affect your search engine rankings. Thus it is a good idea to submit only to high quality web directories that have high page rank. My last work for site TeleLeadpro, within 2 month I got top position for keyword Consumer Lead Generating Software and some other keywords.
Time and effort
Directory submissions can take time and effort on your part. For example, if you want to submit your links to the top 500 directories, it can take several hours or days. You can use directory submission software or tools such as Roboform to make this job faster and easier. However, it still has to be done manually and is a time-consuming process. Considering the as SEO benefits, is it really worth the time and effort to submit to directories?
Approval rates
Let us say, you submit your link to 500 web directories. Probably, some hundred of these will approve your link within the next few weeks. Several of them will reject your link outright. And the remaining will approve it months later because they have plenty of links in the backlog. Many directories will simply disappear. Because of this, you will not see any search engine benefits within limited time frame.
Scope of promotion
Most directories do not accept inner pages, no matter how informative or professional they may be. Thus, you can only promote your homepage using directory submissions. Thus it is not a good option to promote your blog posts. It is better to go other better options.
To conclude, it is not worth the time and effort to do web directory submissions anymore. It is better to invest in other promotion strategies such as article marketing, guest blog writing and direct advertisements. Web directories had their golden days, but right now their days are over.
this is my idea. what you thing pleas share with me .

How to increase Pageviews of your Blogger blog

When a visitor visits your blog by searching a topic or any way, then in your blog if he saw other nice and intresting topic then he will again click on that topic and he will be busy on that. In this way if a visitor will visits one after another posts of you blog or site then it will help you increase  the pageviews of you blog or site and decrease your site bounce rate. Even a single visitor is very important for you. You can use some tricks which is given below then I am sure that  increases your page views.

Use of Related Posts widget

If you keep use this widget after the post then when a visitor finish reading a topic or post he will get a new topic or post and he will be engaged in that. And it also increase better ranking of your site. You can follow give below link for this widget -:
Related post widget by

Use of Recent Posts widget

This widget shows that the freshly posted and old posted content of your blog or site. It is better to use this widget in your sidebar. This will also definitely helps you and your pageview of your blog or site. You can also use this widget for increase your pageview. Follow these link for this widge

Use of Simplereach widget

This is a nice and awesome widget which will help you and your blog or site to increase your page views. When your visitor will post then when he will scroll down then he will also see the recommend posts and then if he like that posts or topic then he will also visit that post or topic
Visit SIMPLEREACH.COM and follow the instruction given in their site to install it to your blog or site.

Use of Levels widget

Levels widget is a very impotant and usefull widget for any blog or site. He will also help you and your blog or site to increase your page views. And manage topic of your site or blog

Use of Interlinking

This is the most important thing for increase page views of your site or blogs. When you write a post in your blog or site, you give some links in post or give some links belo of post.
Now if you will use, follow, and install the above widge in your blog or site then I am sure that after a days before you will see the increase in your page views. There are also some other which I will share in coming posts.

Tips to Attract More Visitors by Offline Promotion

The concept of Offline Marketing is based upon; to attract more visitors / customers for business promotion using tools and techniques where no computer help required. Offline Marketing is all about creating something to fill the empty space that presents itself. By filling this empty space we come up, very similar to a seed which grow plants itself, in the same way off line marketing is a seed which grow in shape of attracting more visitors / customers. Admittedly no business can grow or survive without stability, unless publicized reasonably. As a result, most business owners eventually prefer advertisements in different means for their survivals.
It needs really a thorough consideration and expertise to solve advertising equations, determining where and how to spend on advertising. A wrong decision could plunk down entire advertising budget and receive absolutely no return, say a total loss. A wise decision does assure positive results with nice returns.
All businessmen are always look for offline places to advertise , to get attention and quality traffic Many intelligent entrepreneurs leveraging offline marketing, as it explored whole new horizons for business promotion and  proved much beneficial.
Give away items play a vital role in promotion of business. Select and choose some give away items may be it is Pen holders , desktop set or wall clock , mugs, pens, mouse pads or anything which you can afford easily. Give them away at meetings, seminars or at some other events.
Snail Mail: Most effective tool is, expose your website (URL) and email address in all ads and campaigns, on business cards and print marketing material. Looking repeatedly on your logo or font color, customers will become familiar with style able to recognize in a glance. It shall build strong relationship.
Give business cards where think fit. Create flyers and post them in all public places. Tell people the facilities /services you are offering.
At your company anniversaries or some other important day, distribute t-shirts, hats, handy towels, mugs type give away. Such activities get immediate attention of people.
Arrange meetings with people, who you think, are interested in your products. Introduce yourself and products with samples. Enquire about their demand. Try to turn their mind in your product.
Print and electronic media can also play a role to attract more visitors.
Swaping flyers and broachers are old strategies, but works effectively till today. Do attend business meetings.
Whether you choose to implement a few of the above ideas or all of them, this is your chance to really personalize your message and reflect your business image. Always keep quality concept at top priority .When receive order, first show sample as final approval.

33 Ways to Instant Blogging Failure

There are a lot of posts written about blogging success, but perhaps not quite as many written on why blogs fail. Since I believe failure is such a great part of the entrepreneurial learning process, and you really only fail when you quit, I thought I’d write an “homage” to failure if you will. Here you go: 33 ways to fail at blogging:
  1. Not having a plan. Your blog just be a business some day, but you should run it like one now. That means spend time writing down your goals (like physically writing them down!) about where you hope to be in a month, six months, a year, etc.
  2. Stop trying. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve started, worked on regularly for about three weeks, and abandoned. Of course, sometimes it is better to realize when you’ve hit a brick wall, but other times it just takes perseverance to break through The Dip and push on.
  3. Stop caring. Apathy for your topic is a close second to #1, but it is slightly different. Lack of caring happens when you forget why you’re blogging in the first place—the energy for your topic is lost; all the great ideas fleshed out, overworked, and drained.
  4. Having the wrong expectations. Similarly, if you have impossibly high expectations for your site that don’t align with the real world, burnout and apathy might be nearby.
  5. Bad design. Having a site that projects the wrong image can be like trying to open a 5-star restaurant in a strip-mall. Possible? Sure. Likely to succeed? Probably not.
  6. Too many ads. Corbett Barr of Think Traffic likes to start his students on a “no ads” blogging approach, only adding them in when the blogs are ready. “Ready” is obviously subjective, but it seems to me like having fewer than 2,000 visits a day might be pushing it.
  7. Not having a big orange RSS button. This is a small thing seemingly, but I’m of the type where if I don’t have a super-easy way to subscribe to your content, I won’t come back (it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just that I’ll forget). It doesn’t need to be orange, but you know…
  8. Writing bad headlines. Or at least, not writing awesome headlines. Take the time to read how to write the best headlines possible, and practice them.
  9. Not optimizing your About page. People who read your stuff want to read about who you are. Some guys can get away with being a meme, but you’re a person. Give us a big ‘ol mugshot of yourself and a couple paragraphs about why we should want to buy you a beer.
  10. Not cross-linking your posts. Blogging—and the web, if you think about it—is ALL about links. Don’t go overboard, but remember that once you get someone on your site, you don’t want them to leave. Link to old posts, new ones, and pages on your site they might enjoy. Lead them to your product, if you have one.
  11. Not setting up systems. I love systems. My first post at ProBlogger was on blogging systems, and I recommend it now, too.
  12. Having a site that looks like an MFA (Made-for-AdSense) site. Unless, of course, you’re solely trying to blog for profit (nothing wrong with that, but it’s much harder to do when it’s a personal blog). If your design reeks of over-the-top AdSense ads, banners, and in-text link ads, it’s distracting and off-putting for visitors.
  13. Bad SEO. Sure, you might not be trying to focus on organic search results for your “personal experiences” blog, but there’s a reason Google’s algorithm is such a proprietary equation: it KNOWS what’s good and bad, when it comes to content. If you haven’t taken at least a little time to optimize your content for a few keywords and add links, it can seem stale, vague, and boring for your readers.
  14. No images. If there’s one universal truth that seems to still be pervasive in blogging (and even then there are exceptions), it’s “have at least one image in every post.” Images add color, depth, and flow to otherwise stagnant content.
  15. Bad writing style. Your writing should certainly reflect who you are, but I doubt you talk in long-winded paragraphs. You probably also don’t sound like an advanced legal professor—tone it down, trim it down, and let us “hear” who you are.
  16. Bad content layout. Going with the prior example, you shouldn’t let large paragraphs of content into your writing. Take a look at the LiveHacked blog, Jeff Goins’ blog, and read some Ernest Hemingway to get an idea for what short, easy-to-read text is all about.
  17. Not using lists. This concept is not something that needs to be in every post, but if you visit some of the more popular blogs (including this one!), you’ll often see that the most popular content is blog posts organized into lists.
  18. Having too many categories. The guys over at Thesis have a great policy on how many categories a blog should have. You’re not Huffington Post or Yahoo! Don’t have a thousand categories with one post in each.
  19. Placing posts in too many categories. Also, don’t stick each post into every single possible category that seems like it might fit. Give each post one—maybe two—categories. It will help Google as well as your visitors find information faster.
  20. Being annoying. Some bloggers have an “air” of rudeness to their writing—let them do it, because they’ve figured out how. For you, it’s better to be nice, humble, and kind—especially to your commenters.
  21. Not having comments enabled. This is certainly a topic for debate, but I like to be able to leave a comment (looking at you, Mr. Godin!). I do understand, however, how huge sites can’t maintain the massive amounts of comments—and spam—that comes in. But you’re not that big yet—turn them on!
  22. Placing too much on the sidebars. Again, this fault seems to plague “little-guys-trying-to-be-big-guys.” It’s not that you don’t have as much to say, it’s just that in the early years of your site, you need to be especially clear, almost to the point of minimalistic, about your site design.
  23. Not capturing visitors’ attention. I highly recommend going through a copywriting course like Copyblogger—even if you’re writing about your trip to Africa, you can probably learn a few tips about drawing your readers in with a great writing style. See #9 and #14.
  24. Not building a list. If you ever want to build a site that can generate income—even a little—start building a mailing list now. Even without ads, your visitors—if you’re offering great content—want that extra “connection” with you. Let them sign up to a mailing list. (I prefer MailChimp or Aweber).
  25. Not engaging with visitors. Engagement can look like following up to commenters, starting dialogue through social media, etc.—just be available to your readers when they want to discuss your topic.
  26. Not adding value. This one’s easy—if you’re not giving me a reason to come back, I won’t.
  27. Too much self-promotion. If your site only links to other posts you’ve written on your site, and completely disregards the fact that there might be another blog with a somewhat similar topic, and your Twitter account is full of “check me out!” tweets, I’m gone like Donkey Kong.
  28. Not enough self-promotion. Okay, okay—there is another side to the coin. You must take the time (I recommend an hour a week) to practice reaching out, engaging, and yeah—self-promoting your work. You did work hard on it, right?
  29. “Shiny Object Syndrome.” There’s always another course to sign up for, always another product to buy teaching yada yada, and there’s always another traffic-generation tactic that you must try and implement now. Please resist—I’ve tried many (not all, but more than I should have). These products and “shiny objects” aren’t bad, they’re just probably bad for where you are in your blogging journey. Instead, read #25.
  30. Not guest posting. Guess what? The best way of generating traffic, attention, and leading visitors back to your site is free. It’s called guest posting, and if you’ve not really put in the time to try it, check out Jon Morrow’s course at (yeah, I know I just said not to grab at the shiny objects, but at least check out his free videos. He has quite a story, too!).
  31. Not interacting with other “small fries.” Or “medium fries,” or “large fries” (or “ProBlogger-size fries”). I’m currently working with a few bloggers who have similar niche markets and are of similar sizes to my blog. If you’re not reaching out to these people, and trying to build relationships, don’t come crying to me when the world moves on without you.
  32. Not reading. Read more. Period. Whether it’s news related to your industry, other blogs (I have about 300 blogs I read in my RSS reader), or just awesome fiction thrillers, you need to read as much as you can. It helps your understanding of your marketplace and it can greatly enhance your writing abilities.
  33. Not writing enough. Back to #1 and #25, if you feel stuck, write. If you feel like quitting, write. If you feel like you’ve made it (yay! My post just went live on ProBlogger!) write. There’s never enough you can write—since blogging is directly monetized through words, you need more of them to make more of it. Kapeesh?
There you go—33 things to go work on right now. And I do realize there are more—many more. Let’s get it going in the comments section and see what else you can come up with (and what I forgot!).

Six Simple Steps to Writing Your Best Post Yet

How effective are your blog posts?
Maybe you’re churning out regular posts, hoping to build your search engine rankings and engage your readers – but they don’t seem to be having much effect.
You could spend months mastering SEO, tweaking your blog theme and building up your network on Twitter … but you could be wasting your time. Your blog won’t succeed unless your posts are well-written.
Here’s how to build a great post, in six steps:

Step #1: Know Your Purpose

Whenever you start a post, you need to know what you’re aiming for. Are you writing a post that teaches the reader something new? Are you trying to be entertaining? Inspiring? Encouraging?
Having a clear purpose makes it much easier to write your post. Often, you’ll have more than one aim in mind: you might be teaching your reader how to use WordPress, but you’re also trying to build trust by demonstrating your own expertise.

Step #2: Create a Structure

To keep your reader engaged, your post needs a clear structure. Like any piece of writing, this means that it should have a beginning, middle and end. For a post, that looks like:
  1. The introduction – this should grab attention and set up the scope of the post
  2. The main part of the post – where you should deliver what you’ve promised (implicitly or explicitly) in the title and introduction
  3. The conclusion – this might be as short as a single sentence, but it’s important to have something that rounds off the post
Without a clear structure, your post is likely to come across as abrupt or confusing.

Step #3: Write Directly to the Reader

As you write, focus on the reader. That means avoiding long paragraphs all about you – unless you’re a very good writer and have a compelling story to tell, readers are likely to switch off.
Use “you” frequently, and write as though you’re talking to just one reader (don’t write “all of you reading this” – it’s distancing). If you get stuck, imagine you’re sending an email to a specific reader – you might even like to have a particular commenter in mind.
Forget what you were taught in school about writing essays: there are no prizes in blogging for big words. It’s fine to use contractions like “I’ll” for “I will” and “shouldn’t” for “should not” – these help to make your writing sound casual and friendly.

Step #4: Add Subheadings and Formatting

A very short post might not need any subheadings – but once your post is more than 400 words or so, it’s useful to break it up. Subheadings help your reader to map out your post, letting them instantly see where one topic ends and another begins.
It’s important to use formatting to help with readability. That means:
  • Use bullet-pointed lists where appropriate, instead of having long, dense paragraphs
  • Add in bold text to pull out key sentences (maybe one or two per subsection)
    Put quotes into “blockquote” formatting so that they stand out
  • Readers will be put off by long, grey blocks of text, so make sure your post is visually interesting.

Step #5: Edit Your Post

Unless you’re a very confident writer, always allow time for editing your posts. This doesn’t just mean looking for typos and grammatical mistakes – it means polishing up your writing until it’s as good as possible.
When you edit, consider:
  • Are there any tangents in your post that should be removed? (Sometimes, these can be used for the basis of a new post.)
  • Have you used the same word or phrase too many times within a paragraph?
  • Do you have any long, complicated sentences that could be written more simply?
  • Can you cut out any redundant phrases? (Look out for things like “it is my opinion that…” or “most people will agree…”)

Step #6: Include a Strong Call to Action

Add a strong call to action at the end of your post. A “call to action” is a request to your reader, asking them to do something specific. You’ll want actions that help you in some way:
  • Getting more traffic to your post (“if you enjoyed this, please click the ‘tweet’ button to share it”)
  • Selling your product or service (“click here to find out more about my latest ebook”)
  • Engaging the reader with your blog (“leave a comment below to tell me what you think”)
  • Helping the reader get good results (“take five minutes today to follow these simple action steps”)
So – it’s your turn! Are you following all the above steps when you write your posts? If not, which one could you focus on during the next week or two? Let us know in the comments…

5 Search Engines You Didn’t Know Existed

No matter what the big 10 want you to believe, there are actually hundreds, if not thousands, of search engines on the world wide web. While these search engines might not be as popular as Google or Yahoo they can sometimes offer even better results. If you’ve never searched outside of the country’s most popular search engines, it’s time you did. Here are just five search engines you’ve never heard of, but could offer exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Chances are you’ve heard people talk about wonderful programs the government offers, but never been able to find the information. makes it easy to find any US government topic by searching all the government sites at once. Whether you run a non-profit agency or small business, or just need help with your next mortgage, this search engine makes it easy to find exactly what you need.

Don’t you hate it when you know the information is out there, but just can’t find it? Yippy is a search engine with one job, finding the obscure information hidden in the deepest realms of the internet. Whether you have a rare pet and need more information or want to learn more about a news story not covered by the top dogs, this is the search engine for you.
Northern Light
Doing a report, but don’t have time to make it to the library? Then this may be just the tool for you. Northern Lights allows both free and fee-based searching of books, journal and industry data. It’s perfect for students and businessmen alike.
Legal Information Institute
It pays to know your rights and this search engine makes it much easier to do so. Powered by Cornell University, Legal Information Institute gives you access to all the information the university offers when it comes to legal matters. It might come in handy when going through a divorce or fighting for workman’s comp.
One last search engine worth mentioning in similar to Google, but much better. DuckDuckGo is unique because if you search for something that has two different meaning, it will ask you questions to help determine what you really meant to search for. If, for example, you typed the term Accounting Principals, the engine would know to ask if you were looking for the company or for information about the principles of accounting. This makes it much easier to find the information you need without searching through pages of results.
You don’t have to spend your time with the top search engines. There are hundreds of alternatives out there and chances are they will offer better results with less spam.