No matter where you go on the net, you will hear the phrase, “Content is king”. Traffic is important of course, but what is keeping them on your page? What is the reason they come back? It isn’t the pretty graphics and cool little advertisements you have going on. What it all comes down to is the connection they feel with the subject, and the writer that is producing it.
Whether you are a website owner trying to provide higher quality content to your readers, or you are a content producer trying to gain new prospects through better quality, you can gain something from here. Long sentence, I know, but I had to incorporate everyone. Just keep in mind that you are here to learn, and you have to put your own spin on things to really become original. Anyone can copy and rewrite, but creating your own brand and personality is where the readership will follow.
So what’s the hold up? Get to the good stuff.
To start, you have to always keep your audience in mind. You need to engage the reader and make your content different from any other person that writes on the same topic. If the average reader is a certain age group, education level, or has a certain level of experience, make sure to target them in your writing. Also, keep all of your writing consistent.Inconsistency will give your readers the impression that your organization skills are nonexistent and will encourage them to stop reading before the end.
You know who your readers are, so now you have to know what they are doing there. What is the point of your content? Seems like a simple question, but often times writers don’t really think about what their writing will do. Are you here to inform? Maybe you are reviewing and selling a product. Whatever the case may be, get into the readers mind set and give them what they want. If they came to you to find out the best casserole recipe, then by God at the end of it they better know which the best is. Inform when appropriate, sell when necessary, and always entertain. No matter how serious the subject material, make sure the reader feels connected to your views, and enjoyed what you had to say.
Now that you have the right mindset, it is time to get into how to write. Try to use bold words when necessary, italicize to emphasize certain parts, and underline accordingly. These action points can increase readers attention, and create a better flow overall. Don’t overdo it! Like anything in life, a little taste can be good, but too much can really put off the average reader.
It’s time to become a real life person.
Hopefully you have a personality at this point in your life. If not, I can sell you one for $24.99, plus shipping and handling. Too steep a price? Alright, I will let you in on a little taste for free.Giving your writing personality is as easy as adding your two cents where appropriate. You don’t always have to have something witty and humorous to say. Just say something that tells the reader, “OK, this is a real person writing this”.
Let’s say you have to write about an acne product. The target audience is in their late teens, early twenties. Desperate for a solution to their problem, they happen upon your website.They already know what the product is supposed to do, how it does it, and what they can expect from purchasing it. Simply stating those facts will have the reader running for true insight. Here is where you have to add a little personal touch.
If you are trying to keep it as professional as possible, avoid a story and state a simple fact that has improved your life. “Other so called acne solutions have always left skin peeling, red glaring examples of their inability to work on my face. With so and so product, no redness or irritation occurred, and I could vibe out to the latest club banger without fear of being seen“.This will create an instant connection to you and the material.
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