
Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Social Media Marketing

In today's marketing world social media is no longer a nice addition but rather a must. Gone are the days when someone could create a Facebook page and update it weekly then call it a night. There are three major aspects to social media marketing and when done right can lead to great rewards for your brand.
Engaging Your Audience
Today social media is about connecting with your current and potential clients and interacting with them via several social platforms. If your band is not engaging via social media you are well behind the times. Generic posting about your company or brand can get old and causes your audience to get bored. Studies show if you engage your audience they become fans and are more likely to share your content, which will help you reach new customers.
Compelling Content
Engaging is only half the battle when it comes to social. Creating compelling content whether it's articles, videos or graphs can help get your band more attention online. No one will share a video with their friends if the video is bad. In fact they might not even watch the entire video. This is the same for inforgraphs and articles. You have to get their attention and keep it. Social media works best when something goes viral and only compelling content goes viral.
Content Promotion
You can create the most compelling content but if nobody sees it, you will have wasted your time and money. Most content does not get attention useless an influencer gets a hold of it. Someone with relationships on social media platforms. We have a case study on our blog about a video that almost didn't get the attention it deserved. Content promotion is the most time consuming and expensive part of social media marketing.
Social Media Marketing Services
We offer a full services of social media marketing services from engaging, content creation and promotion. Our services our tailored to your business and can include; Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit, and Linkedin.
Social Media Consulting
Want to handle your own social media marketing? No problem, we love to discuss and train the best social media strategies. We offer our consulting on an hourly basis. This is a great service for a business just getting into the social space. We can provide pre-implementation and post implementation consulting and anywhere in between.
Optimization Overseas
Social media marketing is complex and is ideally targeted specifically to the culture of another country. Our friends at the Web Showroom are keen to assist companies that target solely the Australian residents. Aside from social marketing they also provide search engine optimisation for Google Australia. However, as mentioned they cater solely to Australian companies.

Social Media Tools

In the past few years many companies and individuals are starting to get their feet wet in social media marketing. It can be difficult to manage and keep up with the all the tweets, diggs, posts, updates and shouts.
To help monitor and stay connected with your social media efforts, we've compiled this list of seven great tools that can help you do more with social media in less time. Most of these tools are also a good way to stay organized and will ultimately make you a better friend to your social media buddies.


BackType is a conversational search engine that indexes and connects millions of conversations from blogs, social networks and other social media so people can find, follow and share comments. One of the most useful features is BackType Subscriptions sends you e-mail updates whenever someone comments on a post you specify.


The Flock browser is designed to complement exciting social services. It utilizes their People Sidebar, allowing you to instantly interact with your friends on Digg, AOL, Gmail, Picasa, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter,, Truveo, MySpace and many others.

Social Mention

Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services. They also provide a feed API for developers to access search results in several different formats.

Social Media for Firefox

Social Media for Firefox shows the number of Diggs, Reddit Votes, Stumble Thumbs and or Reviews, and tags, Tweets, Sphinns, Mixx, and Tip'd votes so you can quickly see how popular certain content is. It can also scan said social sites to show you what content hasn't been submitted to other social news sites so you can be the first to add it. This can be a great tool and help you save time on Digg and Reddit.


This FireFox extension adds a tiny icon on the status bar that notifies you when your friends update their status. Also it has a small text input field to update your status.


PostRank provides detailed information on Tweets, stumbles, diggs, and FriendFeed all in a convenient single place. It can help by continuously monitoring RSS feeds, finding the good stuff, and then creating a PostRank Score for each item to help filter the information


  1. Social Media Marketing undoubtedly has proven to be an integral part of marketing regardless of your industry. Some of the top networks that most folks are using nowadays for B2B/B2C lead generation are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTUBE and Pinterest just to name a few. These particular networks generate the most amount of traffic activity based on network usage and user interest.

  2. The social media site that most of your prospects are on is the best one for you. In the begining, you will need to experiment with different sites. The great thing about social media is that you can track – exactly where your clicks are coming from, which site is sending you the highest-converting traffic, etc. So it really takes the guesswork out of seeing which site is most effective for you.

    SEO Michigan

  3. I read in your blog that In the past few years many companies and individuals are opening to get their feet wet in Social Media Marketing. It can be difficult to manage and keep up with the all the tweets, diggs, posts, updates and shouts. This is right


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